Your #1 GO-TO For All Things Heavy, Expedited and Time Sensitive



Our Mission


Here at Arch Freight, our mission is to provide top quality service to every shipper and carrier around the world. Being the #1 Transportation Specialist in specialized, expedited and time sensitive freight. Born in USA Pinewood, South Carolina, we declare to one day share our passion and love for industry globally. One load at a time.


Software & Networks


We have a few great resources that we use to track and report our specialized loads in an effort to assure that our clients have an easier and more convenient experience than anyone can provide! We have the tools that allows us to report the progress of loads to you hourly and daily. Whether you want us to update you every hour or every morning, its entirely up to you. We can also provide you with names and numbers of truck drivers that are currently hauling your freight.  All paperwork and documentation are saved in each Load-file, secured and dated, so if you ever need the paperwork on a load you weren't sure about from say 2 years ago, we got it!


While we’re in the process of having our own loadboard, you can find us on the top loadboard sites where your loads are seen and available by more trucks in real time! 123loadboard, Truckstop and DAT Truckers Edge to name a few. These programs allows us to find hidden capacity, choose the best carriers, and track your loads every hour, on the hour and more!